Important Information


While I do not have set hours I am "open" or "closed", I do have a preference of a shoot time which is golden hour. Golden hour is about an hour and a half before sunset. I do offer morning sessions, but I mainly only shoot during golden hour. If your session has to be canceled due to weather, please note that your session may not be rescheduled due to limited availability. I will do my best to reschedule, but it is not guaranteed.

Please be mindful that I am also a graduate student and work on the side. I am completing an intense year of grad school to obtain my Master's in Social Work. I try my best to answer within 24 hours of inquiries, but in the event, that it takes longer, please note that I will do my best to answer when I can.


I do not take inquiries through messenger on Facebook or Instagram. I created my website inquiry for that reason and will not respond to those messages unless through the website or through my email. Thank you!